With the start of the New Year comes the inevitable tax year. We will be opening the office on January 20th this year.
Our hours will be 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Saturday will be 9:00 to 3:00. We will be closed Fridays for house calls and to catch up on our work.
As always, you can drop your taxes off at any time in the secure drop box on the front porch or use our online portal. For your safety, and ours, we will NOT open any attachments sent with an email. We want to help you protect your sensitive information so if you need to send us something with your social security number on it, please use our secure portal. It is easy and you can reach out if you need any help.
We appreciate the referrals to us, but at this time we are not accepting new clients. However, if you have a close family member that would like to have their taxes done, we would be happy to do that! Please make sure they mention your name and relationship when calling us.
We have not raised our prices for 3 years. Unfortunately, times have changed. Our prices will be increasing slightly this year.
If you had a PIN for previous years, you will need that to e-file your taxes. If you would like to obtain a PIN, you can do that on the IRS website.This may be a good idea.
Deadline for taxes is April 15. Please don’t wait until the last minute. Remember you can file anytime and any payments due will not need to be paid until the deadline regardless of when you actually filed. Also, an extension will extend the filing time, not the due date for the money if you owe.
Not a whole lot of changes for this year, yet. Once the new president takes office, there are some potential changes coming down the pipeline. We do not know if they will affect this year as of right now. Time will tell! We will keep you all posted as we know more.
Can’t wait to start this year and see our wonderful clients!